My custom-tailored treatment plans can offer opportunities for your relationship to flourish.

Together, let's enhance your relationship.


Couples Therapy

Signs of a Strained Relationship

  • Are you and your partner listening to each other?

  • Do little things bother you and your partner; is it hard to let issues go?

  • Have you experienced infidelity?

  • Are financial or ideological differences coming between you and your loved ones?

  • Do you both have different dreams and goals?

  • Is social media coming between you and your loved one?

  • Are you having satisfying sex, and how often?

  • Do you both continue to repeat hurtful negative patterns and grow apart?

  • Do you feel you or your loved one is overly needy?

  • Does your relationship feel one-sided where one person is the giver, and the other the taker?

  • Have you and/or your loved one considered therapy as an option?

Integrated SoCal Therapy Couples Therapy

How I Can Help You

Couples therapy can help those with relationship challenges or those needing guidance, enhanced communication, and connectivity.

Relationships can polarize quickly, or you discover that you and your loved one are growing apart over time. I can listen with great empathy to both sides of any challenge and bridge the relationship on a path to understanding.

Collaboratively we can develop communication tools specific to your relationship to help you work together in harmony. Couples can learn who one another truly is and make informed decisions about their future.

Learning how to implement the custom tools we develop together can help you debate and disagree with empathy and consideration.

Integrated SoCal Therapy

Let’s Unlock
Your Best Self

Together, we can begin to repair and restore your relationship.

“I can help couples begin to listen to each other with empathy.”

— Roger Schwartz, CA LMFT

My Approach to Couples Therapy

We can begin to uncover if you are experiencing difficulties in your adult relationships due to low self-esteem and confidence, shame, anxiety, and depression resulting from lack of nurturing in childhood.

I can help couples clearly define what each other needs and communicate more effectively.

Couples gain a deeper appreciation of who they are, of their inner hopes and dreams, and learn to more fully accept their partner. I work towards providing insights into each individual’s humanity.

Integrated SoCal Therapy Couples Therapy
Integrated SoCal Therapy Couples Therapy

Decide Today to
Make a Change

Trying to tolerate or ignore problems in your relationship can further divide you and your partner, adding stress to each other and different areas of your lives.

Stress often leads to a build-up of emotions that can become toxic if not expressed. Poor physical health can arise from increased anxiety caused by feeling stuck, under-appreciated, or faced with unreasonable expectations. Difficulty in your relationship can strain ties in each other's social circles, school, and work.

The custom-tailored treatment plan I develop for my clients offers the opportunity for couples to pay attention to what is said and what is not said. Couples can begin to communicate with fewer accusations and less defensiveness. When couples actively listen and show interest, it is easier to identify and meet each other’s needs.

Let's open the door to the opportunities we uncover in therapy and begin to create more positive moments in your relationship and life.

Integrated SoCal Therapy

Let’s Unlock
Your Best Self