
  • “My experience with Roger has been extremely positive and has deeply impacted my quality of life. I was able to come to grips with a myriad of issues that have plagued me for years, and I'm grateful we have had the opportunity to do this work together.”

    — Mayanna

    Depression/Anxiety/Life Coaching

  • “I've always tried to be a positive, kind man, supporting my friends and family however I can. But until I started working with Roger, I wasn't giving myself the same space to feel, grow, or even just be without judgment. As I've worked with Roger, I've become more in touch with how I feel and what I want in life, and I've been able to communicate those feelings and desires with the people who I care about.”

    — Chase

    Life Coaching

  • “My time working with Roger has helped me find my own lighthouse when I quietly thought that I would always be lost at sea. And even though I haven't reached the shore yet, I'm far more equipped to take whatever the ocean throws at me.”

    — John

    Life Coaching

  • “What I love about working with Roger is that he's not afraid to be himself during sessions, bringing his personality into the experience. Our relationship is professional, yet I feel like I'm talking to a friend who is a really great listener and knows how to guide me through a crisis. In particular, I've loved using the technique of 'imaginal nurturing' to tap into understanding who I am at my core to work through situations.”

    — Julian

    Anxiety / Imaginal Nurturing/ Life Coaching

  • “I am a patient of Roger Schwartz. He has been extremely helpful to me when it comes to dealing with my anxiety. His calm presence, exercises and ability to put things in perspective have helped me slow down and avoid spinning out of control. In addition, he encourages me to identify & maintain healthy boundaries. Also, I find him easy to open up to & I appreciate that he is easy to get in touch with/responsive. I recommend working with him!”

    — Jessica


  • “Roger has helped me navigate all of the changes that come with getting sober. Working with him has given me confidence and tools to continue to make positive changes in my life and I am so grateful.”

    — Mary Claire


  • “Roger helped me through the acute phase of grief and gave me the coping skills and tools to be successful independently. You were a great therapist. And thank you so much!”

    — Mikayla

    Grief and Loss Counseling

  • “What I love about working with Roger is that he's not afraid to be himself during sessions, bringing his personality into the experience. Our relationship is professional, yet I feel like I'm talking to a friend who is a really great listener and knows how to guide me through a crisis. In particular, I've loved using the technique of 'imaginal nurturing' to tap into understanding who I am at my core to work through situations.”

    — Chris

    Anxiety / Imaginal Nurturing / Life Coaching

  • “Before I met Roger, I was switching between therapists relatively frequently and felt frustrated that I wasn’t making much progress. However, with Roger, I found us together to be a team that was making steady progress towards my mental health. From his signature creative and accurate analogies to his natural ability to make you feel safe and comfortable when you are being vulnerable, Roger has been a tremendous help for me towards my journey of becoming better.”

    — John

    Depression / Anxiety

  • “My husband and I were having problems with communication and connection. There were moments where we thought the relationship wouldn't last. But then we met Roger and he really helped us pinpoint the areas we were struggling in and helped us navigate through them. He uses a variety of methods that we have continued to use with each other outside of the sessions. We are now doing so much better, feel connected, and are communicating much better since working with Roger.”

    — Kristy

    Couples Therapy

  • “My wife and I were newly married and struggling with communication and feeling that we weren't in a loving, connected relationship. After meeting Roger, he provided us with many tools to better communicate and connect. He is the first therapist we truly felt listened to and made us both feel heard. He is careful not to take sides and to create a safe and open environment for us to open up. We're in a significantly better place now. Thanks, Roger, for everything you have done for us!”

    — Kevin

    Couples Therapy

  • “Roger provided a safe space to work through my anxiety and onset of panic attacks. His insight and techniques (EMDR, specifically) helped me overcome quite a bit and gave me the tools I needed to manage the rest. I'd highly recommend him to anyone.”

    — Robert

    Anxiety / Trauma

  • “It has been amazing for us to work with Roger on our marriage. He has helped us strengthen our communication styles and techniques to where it's comfortable to be vulnerable with each other. This has made our sessions useful in opening our relationship up to better understanding each other. We enjoy working together, thanks Roger.”

    — Charles & Shabana


  • “Roger has been a great help to our family in understanding and working through our challenging dynamics and strong personalities. With his active listening and prompting, he encourages us to dig deep and communicate better with each other.”

    — B Family

    Family Therapy

  • “I spent the first year of the Covid-19 crisis in near-total isolation in a studio apartment bombarded by uncertainty and dread, as well as under career and financial stress compounded by these daunting circumstances. Over the last six months, Roger has helped me regain a sense of perspective and control in these uncertain times and confront my fears with reasoned, evidence-based arguments. With his help, I have begun to strengthen my "actuarial mind" and have learned to cultivate a greater sense of safety and resilience in these uncertain times. Roger has helped me to begin making real, measurable changes in my life and confront challenges in healthier ways. I am grateful for his guidance and enthusiastically recommend his practice. It will change your life.I spent the first year of the Covid-19 crisis in near-total isolation in a studio apartment bombarded by uncertainty and dread, as well as under career and financial stress compounded by these daunting circumstances. Over the last six months, Roger has helped me regain a sense of perspective and control in these uncertain times and confront my fears with reasoned, evidence-based arguments. With his help, I have begun to strengthen my "actuarial mind" and have learned to cultivate a greater sense of safety and resilience in these uncertain times. Roger has helped me to begin making real, measurable changes in my life and confront challenges in healthier ways. I am grateful for his guidance and enthusiastically recommend his practice. It will change your life.”

    — Jordan

    Anxiety / Phobia

  • "EMDR has allowed me a space to speak freely and process past trauma that followed me for many years. Working with Roger has guided me to new insights on myself and my experiences, leading me to love myself more."


    Trauma & Anxiety

  • “Before I met Roger, I was switching between therapists relatively frequently and felt frustrated that I wasn’t making much progress. However, with Roger, I found us together to be a team that was making steady progress towards improving my mental health. From his signature wildly creative yet accurate analogies to his natural ability to make you feel safe and comfortable when you are being vulnerable, Roger has been a tremendous help."


    Depression & Anxiety


Integrated SoCal Therapy

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Your Best Self